Rep Pauline Wendzel
Expanding self-defense options
RELEASE|February 8, 2022

By: State Rep. Pauline Wendzel

This week, I was proud to introduce a bill to clarify Michigan law regarding non-lethal self-defense options.  This bill will clean up a grey area of state law regarding the use of pepper spray and how it can be deployed.

Like most good legislation, this bill idea came to me from one of the hardworking people of Southwest Michigan. A CPL instructor had a number of clients who weren’t comfortable carrying a firearm and were looking for alternative ways and products to defend themselves and their families. The CPL instructor found a product that he wanted to recommend, but after consulting with an attorney, he found out that under our current laws, a person defending themselves could find themselves at the end of a frivolous lawsuit. After hearing about this issue, I worked with the Michigan Association of Prosecutors to craft language to ensure that won’t happen to Michiganders who use their Second Amendment rights to defend themselves.

Current state law is vague on what types of devices are allowed to dispense pepper spray. My legislation cleans up the definition of “self-defense spray or foam device” to allow for the use of pneumatic guns.

To me, the 2nd Amendment is clear. You have a right to defend yourself and your family. Under my legislation, I’m making it crystal clear that Michiganders can protect themselves in a wide variety of ways. By expanding non-lethal self-defense options, more residents will have access to devices they’re comfortable using.

This legislation has now been referred to committee, and I look forward to testifying soon and moving this very simple yet important piece of legislation.

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